Think back to the days of middle school and high school. Think back to summer camp. What better way to spend your bedtime prep time (when you're supposed to be brushing your teeth - but aren't) than to memorialize yourself on the underside of the bunk above you for ever and ever?? Remember writing "Suzy loves Johnny" or "Stevie was here!" or "This is MY bunk"? Perhaps your idea was a little more inspirational, and you wrote scripture references to encourage the person who slept there next.
Ever wonder why there was so much room to write on? It's because someone came through and cleaned off what was written by the folks who were in your bunk last week/month. :-) Don't get me wrong - there's something memorable about leaving graffitti all over your camp bunk, but keep in mind that someone will come through and clean it up later. And at Southwind, that person is me.
Today's heartfelt thanks goes out to Dani and Robert, who have inadvertantly saved my life. I remember you every time I look at a bottle of Purell. Why? Because of a little known fact about Purell. It takes permanent marker off of most smooth surfaces. The undersides of most of our bunks are ... smooth laminated particle board. They scream "Look, write on me!" to the kids, and I go through anywhere from 8 to 20 oz of Purell, cleaning it right back off. So, buy stock in Purell. As long as there are summer camps, there will be a use for Purell!