Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Duct Tape Goes To Camp

Top 10 ways to use Duct Tape at a Young Life Camp.

1. Create a leash for your keys. Take a long strip of duct tape, run it through your key ring, then through your belt loop. You'll always know where they are!

2. Show off your accomplishments on your favorite golf cart WWII Memphis Belle style. Cut light bulbs, toilet plungers and mop buckets out of duct tape and apply to the sides of the cart. Add the YL bug logo to the front while you're at it. Everyone will know exactly how sweet your skills are.

3. Duct tape rags to your hands and wash windows ultra quickly!

4. Use duct tape to hold drop cloths in place while painting buildings. Better yet, skip the painting, and apply duct tape to the surfaces that need paint. It's easy to touch up later... just apply more tape!

5. Help campers who bought stuff at the store pack quickly. Throw everything into the suitcase and duct tape shut.

6. Create awards for the staff and families who volunteer at work week out of duct tape rolls and various construction supplies (paint brushes, toilet paper rolls, etc.) Let everyone who lends a hand at camp know they matter!

7. Use duct tape to repair all the slightly broken items that are discarded to the intern house. A few more layers of of tape, and that lamp will have lots of life in it again!

8. Create adjustable air filters. Stretch strips of tape across the air intake for the air conditioner, sticky side out. The sticky side will catch the dirt, and it's cheap to replace!

9. Make sure every team of campers can identify their stuff. Use duct tape on large sheets to make informational and directional signs. No one will ever be lost by accident again!

10. Help the kitchen servers keep their trays balanced. Tape the trays to each server's hands and shoulder. Go ahead and tape the serving dishes to the tray while you're at it.

So please... mail your favorite Work Crew, Summer Staff or Property Intern a roll of duct tape! (electrical tape will work too in a pinch... colored tape is even better!) :-D

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